Recognition of Professional Skills

The service of professional skills recognition will be open to immigrants and refugees in order to support them in entering the labor market.

The Education and Training Data Sheet and the Professional Skills Data Sheet allow immigrants and refugees to collect their educational and professional experiences based on a European standard: EuroPass – European Skills Passport[1].

The recognition of professional skills will be done through the establishment of specific Technical-Scientific Committees of experts from the labor world, including experts from specific professional fields and grouped in committees in function of the types of professional certification to be recognized.

The Technical-Scientific Committees will be able to analyze the data collected by the University for Refugees to be able to control them from remote by checking the study titles, certifications and stated professional experiences as well as through personal interviews prior to the analysis process. The recognized professional skills will be classified within the EQF - European Qualification Framework[2].

The analysis and processing of the above-mentioned data will allow to prepare a Certificate of Skills, undersigned by the related Committee and that will represent a tool for entering the labor market for refugees and immigrants.

In this area the following information tools are available: