European Guidelines for the recognition of the qualifications of the refugees without documentation

The procedure of recognition of academic qualification for refugees without documentation implemented in the portal is based on the following guidelines  "Recognize qualifications held by refugees – guide for credential evaluators" delivered by the ENIC-NARIC Network (ENIC - European Network of Information Centers in the European Region; NARIC - NARIC: National Academic Recognition Information Centers in the European Union) available at the link: ENIC-NARIC’s partner institutions are UNESCO, the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

More specifically, the guide lines for ENIC-NARIC evaluators state that the institutions, in order to establish a standardized, accessible, fair and transparent procedure for those requesting a recognition without documentation, have to:

1. Prepare a "Background paper"

A "reliable statement" which can be used to:

  • Detail the completed educational path, study titles included;
  • Detail the professional background, professional qualifications, work experience and further skills included;
  • Documents and other proofs supplied by the applicant (if available);
  • Outline any additional information  about:
    • Educational system;
    • Educational institution;
    • Academic program;
    • Quality assurance;
    • Other relevant information. .

2. Assess academic credentials based on the "background paper"

Check and confirm the information  collected through the background paper

3. Prepare the following steps (if applicable)

Further steps could be, for instance:

  • Organize an exam/ test, to prove the acquired knowledge, competences and skills;
  • Organize an interview, with an experts’ commission who could ask specific questions to the applicant to gather additional background information;
  • Use an affidavit, a document declared as official by a legal authority

4. Complete the evaluation procedure

The evaluators will establish the outcome of the evaluation based on the purpose identified. The final outcome may be used for admission purposes to a new study cycle or to continue studies already started.

5. Deliver an official document (if applicable)

The document states:

  • The decision taken about the recognition, based on the purpose of the evaluation; and
  • The validity period.


The process of recognition of academic qualifications for refugees without documentation implemented in: complies with the indications of the European Recognition Manual for Higher Education  2016, developed by the EAR - European Area of Recognition project,  and funded by the European Commission  (The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions, supplying the standards and guide lines for the recognition of the university qualifications and careers in the European Union.


source: The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions - Part V
Cap. 21 "Qualification holders without documentation"

Additional relevant sources for designing the procedures implemented in are: