Admission requirements

The following instructions define the procedures for the admission of foreign students to Degree Courses at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in accordance with the provisions of the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) and the directions on the processes of studies and professions harmonization in the context of the European Qualification Frameworks (EQF).

Each Degree Course of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is supervised by the Faculty Council, which has the task of checking each single applications for admission.

According to the laws in force, foreign EU as well as Non-EU citizens, residing in Italy or abroad and possessing one of the study titles below, can apply for the Degree Courses:

Titles awarded upon completion of school period of 12 years at least

These titles are valid for admission to the three-year Degree Courses and to the single-cycle second-level (master-level) Degree Courses at Italian universities provided that they allow admission to a course that is similar to that one that is required in Italy at the universities of the country whose regulations they refer to.

In counting the twelve years you have to take into account, where applicable, a pre-school year provided that:

•             Attendance to this year is compulsory and integral part of the curriculum;

•             The program includes teaching of reading and writing of the mother tongue and the first elements of arithmetic calculus;

•             This year is not before the sixth year of age.

Titles awarded upon completion of school period lasting less than 12 years

The students will have to submit, apart from their school-leaving diploma in original, an academic certification stating that they have passed all the envisaged exams:

•             For the first year of university study, if the local school system lasts eleven years;

•             For the first two academic years, if the local school system lasts ten years.

In Italy this academic certification, that is complementary to secondary school titles awarded with less than twelve years of schooling, allows only the matriculation to the first academic year and not enrolment with course shortening.

The final post-secondary study title awarded in a non-university higher school institute can be accepted as an integrative title for a school period lasting less than 12 years.

Titles awarded by university institutions of ecclesiastical studies based in italy approved by the Holy See

These titles will have to be authenticated by the ecclesiastical authorities concerned and duly legalized by the Prefecture of Rome (Ufficio Bollo - Stamp Office). Applicants holding such authenticated and legalized titles submit to the University or Representation concerned only a photocopy of the title itself and give the original after the admission tests, upon actual enrolment.

United States high school diploma

As it regards matriculation to the first academic year, this title has to be followed and integrated: by two complete years of a further "College" course and by the achieved qualification to pass to the second year and the successful completion of the four “US Advanced Placements” (APs), in several subjects linked to the requested university study course. If one of the “Aps” is in Italian it has to be considered valid for all academic courses.

British titles

These titles allow for matriculation if they state that at least six passed exams in different subjects and among them three advanced-level ones (A level) linked to the requested degree course or the university diploma ("course requirements"). If an advanced-level exam passed is in “Italian”, it is valid also for all academic courses.

Greek – “apolityrion” titles

These titles allow for matriculation only if awarded starting from the sufficient minimal average grade of 10 out of 20. In addition, all applicants possessing a study title equivalent to the Italian first-cycle three-year degree title, further to the positive assessment by the Study Course Commission concerned, that may also establish a situation of training debits, are entitled to access the second-cycle degree courses.

The ministerial provisions concerning the matriculation of foreign and EU students at the Italian Universities are available in the website:

For any additional information you can contact the Student Secretariat by e-mail:   or by toll-free number 800 333 647.

For information on courses and for asking for the contact details of the Secretariats of the Degree Courses, please see the web page on: