Documentation to be submitted

EU or Non-EU citizens, residing in Italy or abroad, possessing an Italian qualification (study title) or qualification awarded abroad that will be deemed equivalent to the Italian academic titles can submit their application for admission to Degree Courses. The qualification will be assessed in terms of duration and content by the concerned Academic Board as equivalent, to the Italian academic qualifications required for access to a Degree Course.

With the purpose of supporting the process of integration and internationalisation of the European universities, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO relies on the study titles equivalence criteria established by the European Qualification Frameworks (EQF).

Applicants possessing foreign qualfications (study titles) interested in enrolling in a Bachelor’s Degree Course (Three-year Degree), Master’s Degree (Second Cycle Degree) o Single Cycle Degree course will have to submit:

  1. High School Diploma in original or other certificate valid to all effects, awarded after at least 12 year of schooling, including official translation in the Italian language and relative legalization document;
  2. Declaration of value of the title, issued by Italian Representation of the Country to which the school awarding the title belongs;
  3. For those possessing study titles awarded at the end of school period lasting less than twelve years, please refer to what is written in art. 2.

Instead, applicants possessing foreign titles interested in enrolling in a Master’s Degree Course  (Second Cycle Degree/Two year Master) will have to submit:

  1. Qualification (study title) awarded at a University or a post-secondary title issued by a non-University Higher Institute that allows continuing further university studies (only in the case in which the secondary study titles was awarded upon completion of at least 12-year schooling period). Official translation in the Italian language and consular legalization of the title.
  2. Declaration of value of the title issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representation competent for the territory;
  3. University certificate – duly checked by the Diplomatic Representation – stating the exams passed as well as each discipline, detailed programs and hours of theoretical-practical training activity envisaged for the title awarded. The post-secondary studies (exams and ECTS credits) already completed can be stated by the “diploma supplement” (if adopted by the country of origin).

These documents will have to be sent to: International Telematic University UNINETTUNO – Students Secretariat - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 – 00186 Rome (Italy).

In any way, enrolment is subject to the assessment of the applicability of the title by the Council of the Degree Course for the exclusive purpose of the enrolment to it.