Enrolment at the University

According to the D.M. of the 22nd October 2004, nr. 270 – art.6, one must hold a Secondary School Diploma, or any other title earned abroad that is deemed equivalent, in order to be considered for admission to the Bachelor Degree course. In order to be admitted to a Master Degree course, according to the D.M. of the 22nd October 2004, nr. 270 – art.6, one must be in possession of a Degree or University Diploma (three years) or of another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as equivalent.

The concurrent enrolment at more than one University or in more than one study course of the same University is not allowed, except for the Italian and foreign Universities, that have agreements aimed at realising double degree programmes.

You can enrol at UNINETTUNO at any time of the year to the various Degree Courses, Postgraduate Courses and to the single lessons.

If you are a foreign student you can find more details about the admission requirements for Three-Year Degree Courses, Second-Cycle Degree Courses or Master's Degree courses.

Italian and foreign students, who had gained experience from previous courses of study (also not concluded) and from professional activities, may ask for the evaluation of ECTS credits according to regulations in force.

You can find below a form that you can fill in. Thus, you will be contacted by our office that will help you with the matriculation procedure and will provide you all the information you need for the enrolment’s purposes.

In this area the following topics are discussed: